Friday, June 7, 2013


Fellow Patriots,

See below that Tea Party Patriots is organizing a rally in Washington DC on June 19.  We have heard through the Indiana Tea Party Coalition that there are groups around us planning bus trips.  We will pass that information along to you as we receive it. Everyone who can needs to be there!  For now, save the date!

Audit the IRS Rally - June 19, 2013

Are you ready to take a stand against the IRS in a big way? On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 from noon to 2pm, Tea Party Patriots is hosting an Audit the IRS Rally.

We have heard from patriots all across the country that we need to show Washington in a BIG WAY that it is outrageous for a government agency to target groups and individuals based on their individual beliefs.

Will You Stand With Us Against the IRS?
What: Audit the IRS Rally
When: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 from Noon to 2pm
Where: West Lawn of US Capitol

1 comment:

  1. Are there any plans for Overpass Impeach Obama meets??? This would be a perfect place for one half way between Chicago and Indy....Please let me know!!!
