Thursday, May 30, 2013


Our next CIA meeting will be held Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 6:00 pm at Spurlock's Restaurant, 721 Main Street, Lafayette. For those who are interested in eating dinner, we will be ordering from their standard menu.

I am sure that you would agree that we are in living in an era of utter lawlessness on the part of the federal government! There is so much happening on so many fronts that it is difficult to put it into words.  Come to the June 4 meeting to talk about it all and how you can get involved.

Please confirm your attendance to

Monday, May 20, 2013

Rallies in Indianapolis, Tuesday May 21

Hello, Fellow Patriots

Are you able to keep track of the craziness that is going on in Washington????   Lots of folks are upset, and below are links to a couple of rallies TOMORROW that we just got wind about if you are able to participate.   Angelina from the CIA group is planning to attend if anyone cares to join her at

1.Rally against the Gang of 8 Amnesty bill - beginning at 11:30 a.m. in front of Senators Donnelly and Coats's offices.  Here is the link with pertinent information: 

2.TPP rally against the IRS corruption - beginning at 12 noon in front of the state IRS office:

575 N. Pennsylvania
Indianapolis, IN

Friday, May 3, 2013


Our next CIA meeting will be held Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 6:00 pm at Spurlock's Restaurant, 721 Main Street, Lafayette. For those who are interested in eating dinner, we will be ordering from their standard menu.

There will be lots of stuff to discuss at this meeting. I am sure you will agree that it is impossible to keep up with our lawmakers and their shenanigans, but we are sure trying! Thanks to the Central Indiana Coalition of Tea Parties, of which Citizens in Action is a member, great strides are being made with getting the attention of our state and national lawmakers. Our meeting Tuesday night therefore will center around those activities, which include meetings and communication with lawmakers on various bills, the KrisAnne Hall Constitution Seminar, and the anti-Common Core rallies, to name a few.

 It is becoming perfectly clear that unless the States (interchangeable with “We the People” in the Constitution) step up and push back against the Feds, we’re toast. We all have to be aware and ready to help. So come join your fellow patriots and hear what’s happening and what you can do!

Please confirm your attendance to