Thursday, January 31, 2013


We do not yet have details about the planned national Day of Resistance on February 23, but gun shows are where the action is happening right now...and they are everywhere!  We want to alert you about two gun shows in the Lafayette area in the next couple weeks that we are encouraging folks to attend as a public show of support.
The first gun show is this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, February 1-3 in K-Mart Plaza on State Road 38 East.  The second one is at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds on Saturday and Sunday, February 9 and 10.  We found out about the K-Mart Plaza event too late to reserve a table, but we were successful in getting space at the February 9 and 10 event at the Fairgrounds!  We would like to have volunteers at our table both February 9 and 10 for as much time as you can spare.  If you would like to volunteer or want more details, please contact Mike Morris, who is coordinating this event  You will also be able to sign up at our February 5 meeting.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Come to 2/5 CIA Meeting!

Our next CIA meeting will be held Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 6:00 pm at Spurlock's Restaurant, 721 Main Street, Lafayette. For those who are interested in eating dinner, we will be ordering from their standard menu. 
There is a great deal of grassroots activity happening around the state by like-minded individuals and groups regarding gun control and nullification of the Affordable Care Act.  Come and find out what is happening and how you can get involved!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


While Barack Obama is calling for Americans to give up their freedom, their rights, and their guns, there is a movement building around the country to call on Americans to resist. 
It will be a Day of Resistance on February 23 where gun owners and patriots can peacefully gather and show Barack Obama, the media, and the knockkneed Republicans in Congress that we may have lost a battle last November, but we have not lost the war. Don’t meekly give up your 2nd Amendment rights when you can stand with us and RESIST!
Over the next few weeks, look for rallies to be announced, big name conservatives to help spread this idea, and Tea Partiers all across the country to step up to the challenge. We will keep you informed as this Day of Resistance takes shape!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

SCOTUS, Nullification, the Press and Senator Boots

We have printed below Michael Morris' letter to the editor in the Journal and Courier:

            Lost in your editorial excoriation of Senator Boots and his pursuit of Nullification are many Constitutional and historical facts:

Article I Section 8 and the subsequent Amendments to the US Constitution limit the authority of the Federal Government to specified functions.  That is why the wording isn’t “any thing Congress wishes to do.”
Article VI, Clause 2 (the so called “Supremacy” clause) applies only to the areas in which the Federal Government has authority.  “…
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof;”… Therefore, laws made OUTSIDE of the Constitution are not “supreme.”

Amendment X: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”.

Article III does NOT give SCOTUS the power to determine “Constitutionality.”  That they grabbed that power in 1803 (Marbury v Madison) and the States let them get away with it is our problem now.  (See: Federalist Papers 79-83 by Hamilton.)

There is a long history of SCOTUS rulings that were eventually reversed by SCOTUS itself, later, or by Amendment.   Dred Scott v. Sanford and “Separate But Equal” (Plessy v Ferguson) are just a couple of glaring errors.  Cooper v. Aaron will be one of those in the future.
The Founders intended that the States have final say on what the Federal government does.  Article V acknowledges that the States put this Republic together; they can take it apart if they choose.

It's sad your paper doesn't seem to care about that.

Michael Morris
Lafayette, IN

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Americans for Prosperity has asked that we pass along the following invitation to you regarding an upcoming free event they are sponsoring in Lafayette.
There will be a free "lunch and learn" event at Spurlock's Restaurant, 721 Main Street, on Thursday, January 31, starting at 12:00 pm.  Your lunch will be provided compliments of Americans for Prosperity. This event is being held during National School Choice Week and there will be a presentation about Indiana’s school choice legislation and school choice as a freedom issue.
Americans for Prosperity would appreciate that you register for this event at :