Saturday, August 25, 2012

September 4, 2012 Dinner Meeting

Our next CIA meeting will be held Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 6:00 pm at Spurlock's Restaurant, 721 Main Street, Lafayette. As usual, we have reserved their private room. For those who are interested, we will be ordering from their standard menu. We will continue to discuss proactive ways we can get the word out about the issues as well as help on campaigns.  There are only about 70 days until Election Day...come spend the evening with your fellow patriots!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dear CIA Members:

The failed recall attempt on Scott Walker, the nomination of Richard Mourdock, and now the nomination of Ted Cruz in Texas are significant indications that the Tea Party movement's goal of fighting for the preservation of the Constitution is not only alive, it is exploding!  Despite the huge amounts of money and power put up against us, our message rang true.  By God's grace and our determination, we accomplished much.  We need to build on that momentum if we are to be ready when the early voting begins in October.  There is little doubt that those in power will attack with even more fervor and lies.  

At our next CIA meeting, Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 6:00 pm at Spurlock's Restaurant, 721 Main St, Lafayette, we will be proposing an action plan to raise local, public awareness of the Tea Party philosophy, repudiate lies, and provide information that the media prefers to hide.  We think we can do this with a different, fun, team approach.  To pull it off, we will need a lot of people.  Let's do this!

Chuck Hockema, Republican candidate for State Representative District 27, ran an impressive campaign this spring.  He has asked to come speak about his campaign and would like you to ask him questions regarding his positions on local issues.

This should be a meeting you don't want to miss.  A private room has been reserved, and those interested can order from the menu. PLEASE RSVP to so we can accommodate those who wish to attend.

And the patriotism just keeps on coming!