Citizens in Action/Lafayette Tea Party will sponsor an informational meeting about the United Nation's action plan called "Agenda 21" at 6:30 pm on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at the Klondike Branch of the Tippecanoe County Library in West Lafayette. Mr. Lionel Terzi, a regional coordinator for the John Birch Society, will be our guest speaker. Mr. Terzi will answer questions at the end of his presentation and additional information resources will be available.
For those of you who are not familiar with the term "Agenda 21," it is a program signed into action at the Earth Summit in 1992 by George H. W. Bush along with 178 other world leaders. Now that it is surfacing around the country, it appears to be an overreaching plan whereby local communities will be expected to comply with globalists' recommendations in regard to environmental issues relating to all aspects of living. This plan has been advancing within the "sustainable development" movement in the U.S. since its inception in 1992. Most recently, in 2011, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13575 establishing the White House Rural Council, which consists of the heads of federal government departments and agencies, whose charge is to develop “Agenda 21” policy recommendations for rural America. Citizens around the country, regardless of their political affiliation, have become increasingly concerned about the impact "Agenda 21" will have on them as they have discovered its implementation in their communities. We urge you to attend this very informative meeting!
Note that due to this special event, we will not be conducting a monthly meeting on May 1.