Monday, September 26, 2011

Next CIA Meeting: October 4, 2011

Our next CIA meeting will be at 6:30 pm, Tuesday, October 4 at Spurlock's Restaurant, 721 Main Street, Lafayette. As usual, we have reserved their private room.  For those who are interested, we will be ordering from their standard menu.

Our speaker will be David Lantz of Indianapolis.  David is a member of the Indy Defenders of Liberty, one of the largest Tea Party groups in the state.  His day job is Adjunct Professor of Business Management for the University of Phoenix, Ivy Tech, and the Indiana Institute of Technology.  He has served as a political consultant for several statewide political campaigns; and in the wake of the Tea Party movement, he has felt called to conduct political grassroots training programs as well as motivational speaking. The title of his talk will be Rise A Knight and Become the Gray Champion.  Check out his website if you wish to learn more about him before the meeting.  From the references I received, which included Mike Pence, this should be an inspiring and entertaining evening!

Please confirm your attendance by Sunday, October 2 to  

We encourage you to take these opportunities to chat with like-minded patriots during these tough times! 

We hope to see you on October 4. Bring a friend or two with you.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Just a reminder that State Treasurer and Republican Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock will speak on Wednesday, September 21, at 7:00 pm at the Tippecanoe County Library, 627 South Street, Lafayette.  Mr. Mourdock is a compelling and passionate speaker on the U.S. Constitution and our country's history, and the title of his presentation will be “Constitutional Government is the Answer for our Economic Crisis.”  He will entertain our questions until there are no more or the Library runs us out of the building at 8:45!  Invite a friend to come along as this event is open to the public.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Purdue 9/11 Memorial Service

Are you looking for something meaningful to do on the 10th anniversary of 9/11?

Purdue College Republicans is working with the Purdue Student Government in hosting the "9/11 Never Forget Project" on the Purdue campus.  In honor of every American life lost on 9/11/01, Purdue College Republicans will be placing 2,977 tiny American flags in the ground in preparation for the memorial service at 3:00 pm, which will be conducted by the Purdue Student Government.  

You are cordially invited by our young conservative friends at Purdue to help with the flag placing process.  Helpers will meet at 9:30 am on 9/11 at the Engineering Mall. Consider helping on Sunday at 9:30 am and attending the 3:00 pm memorial service to observe this important day in history...lest we forget...God bless America!

Here are some pictures from last year's project: