Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Obama Administration vs the State of Indiana

Hot Air has the facts and the figures:

The White House has threatened to hold $4.2 billion in federal Medicaid funds from Indiana unless it restores Planned Parenthood as a Medicaid provider, claiming — as does Planned Parenthood’s national leadership — that the decision leaves women without reliable gynecological care.


According to Planned Parenthood’s own statistics, their 28 clinics serve less than 1% of Indiana Medicaid patients.

Well, why would we let facts get in the way of a good story filled with emotional, knee-jerk reactions.

Here is the Huffington Post reaction the Indiana's defunding of Planned Parenthood:

Thousands of low-income Planned Parenthood of Indiana patients were left fending for themselves Tuesday to pay for birth control, breast exams, Pap tests and other medical services while a court battle continued over a new state law that eliminated the organization's Medicaid funding.

Nicole Robbins, a 31-year-old single mother who has been a Planned Parenthood client for six years, said she had intended to visit a Planned Parenthood clinic in Indianapolis on Tuesday to pick up a 2-month supply of birth control pills. Then, the Medicaid recipient learned that the more than $100,000 in private donations the group had raised since May 10 had dried up.

The Ivy Tech Community College student from Indianapolis who is pursuing a physical therapy degree said she's not sure how she'll pay for her birth control.

Update I:

Human Events has the Lila Rose video right here.

Live Action, the activist group that famously caught Planned Parenthood personnel on tape offering contraceptive services, and advice on evading the law, to people they thought were pimps with underage prostitutes, decided to make some phone calls to Indiana Planned Parenthood clinics, and ask the staffers if there were readily available alternative providers that could still accept Medicaid patients for women.  Without exception, all 16 locations they contacted admitted that Medicaid patients still had access to these services.

Update II:

On June 24, U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt ruled that Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood should be restored.

The state of Indiana is expected to challenge this ruling.

CIA Meeting Schedule

Greetings, Everyone!
This is a reminder that we will NOT be having a July meeting.  Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 2, 2011.  In keeping with our commitment to invite candidates to our meetings until the elections, our confirmed guest speaker will be District 26 State Representative Randy Truitt, who will discuss the historic just-ended session of the Indiana House and Senate and answer our questions.  We currently plan to conduct this meeting at Spurlock's but will find a larger venue if enough of you let us know you plan to attend.  We will send you a reminder in a couple weeks.  Consider coming to show Rep. Truitt that you appreciate his attendance to hear our concerns about our country and our state.
Here is one for your September calendar too.  Republican Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock will be speaking to our group on Wednesday, September 21, 7:00 pm!  Due to the large crowd we expect, this meeting is scheduled for the Tippecanoe Country Library.  Mr. Mourdock's expertise in the U.S. Constitution and our country's history make him a compelling and passionate speaker.  "Constitutional government is the only answer to our economic problems" will be the title of his presentation and he will entertain our questions until we run out of them or the the Library closes!
Happy 4th of July, Fellow Patriots!  Stay the course and spread the word about what you know is happening.  We are the only conduit to those who are still asleep, not the media.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Constitution Institute Lafayette Training Seminar June 16

The Constitution Institute announces more seminars in Lafayette, Warsaw, and Georgetown.  Hundreds of Americans have already begun the constitution training that will prepare them to be citizen-statesmen.  It's never too late for you to begin with Module 1 - Introduction to the United States Constitution, Module 2 - The Legislature, Module 3 - The Executive, etc.
The next seminar in Lafayette will be:
Module 3 - The Executive
Date:             Thursday,June 16th, 2011
Time:            07:00 PM - 08:30 PM
      Best Western Executive Plaza & Conference Center
                     4343 State Road 26 East, Lafayette, IN 47905
The fee is $30 per person. Training manual for Module 3 included for new attendees; training manual inserts for Module 3 supplied to returning attendees so please bring 3-ring binder.
More Information can be found here

Flag Day is June 14!

June 14th is Flag Day

Challenge to all Americans.  Tell all your friends, family, neighbors, and area businesses to  FLY THE AMERICAN FLAG PROUDLY.

Let's see if we can set a record here in America with the largest number of American flags ever flown on Flag Day. 

Spread the Word.  Tell Your Neighbors.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

If you want to read a clear concise definition of conservatism in today's political and economic environment, take a look at this article written by our Senate hopeful from Indiana, Richard Mourdock.

From the website:

Just as the Reagan Doctrine rolled back the curtains of communism internationally, we must now have a new doctrine of constitutional conservatism to roll back our expansive and overreaching federal government. If we wish to revitalize our economy, increase the standard of living for our citizens, and reassert American exceptionalism, we must scale back government to more traditional functions. We must end the unrealistic and unsustainable expectation that government exist to provide financial benefits and security to all and replace it with the Founder’s belief that all Americans, given the opportunity and freedom to do so, can achieve individual prosperity.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Our next CIA meeting will be at 6:30 pm, Tuesday, June 7, at Spurlock's Restaurant, 721 Main Street, Lafayette. As usual, we have reserved their private room and will be ordering from their standard menu. If you don’t wish to eat there, you are most welcome to join us for the fellowship and meeting. In order to assure the appropriate space and wait staff are available, please confirm you plan to attend by Sunday, June 5 to

This is a good opportunity to chat with like minded patriots during these tough times!  We hope to see you on June 7. Bring a friend or two with you.