Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Constitution Institute - Lafayette Seminar

The Constitution Institute will be conducting the second in a series of training seminars on the United States Constitution in Lafayette, Indiana.
The topic of this seminar will be The Legislature and the United States Constitution and will be led by former six term Member of the United States House of Representatives and Institute President John Hostettler.
Space is limited so register today.

 Fee:  $30 per person
 (Training manual for Module 2 included for new attendees; training manual
inserts for Module 2 supplied to returning attendees so please bring 3-ring
Best Western Lafayette
Executive Plaza & Conference Center
4343 State Road 26 East
Lafayette, IN 47905
Phone: 765-447-3885

Thursday, May 12 , 2011
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
For more information, go to this site.

Don't Miss This Networking Opportunity!

Just a reminder that the FreedomMakers technology workshop, luncheon, and conference is only about 10 days away on Saturday, May 14.  This will be a great opportunity to network with like-minded patriots and maybe learn something you didn't know before!  See the details below and note that the early bird registration deadline is tomorrow, May 5.  As discussed at our monthly meeting last night, we would be willing to arrange a small bus or carpooling if enough individuals confirm they plan to go...send an e-mail to once you have registered at the FreedomMakers site as explained below and we will make this road trip for as many as we can pack in!

More information can be found here