From the folks at Red State, comes
Death, Taxes...and Union Dues.
In the state of Indiana, when Mitch Daniels used an executive order to end collective bargaining for public employee unions, union dues went down a whopping 90%!
From the article:
Union chiefs like Mr. Parrett know what that means for their political clout. After taking office in 2005, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels used an executive order to end collective bargaining for public workers—a power granted by former Governor Evan Bayh.
The number of state public employees has since fallen to 28,700 from 35,000. But more important, the vast majority of those employees stopped paying union dues. Today, 1,490 state employees pay union dues in Indiana, down from 16,408 in 2005. Similar declines have played out in Washington State and Utah, when those states gave members the freedom to choose.
This is the prospect that has Wisconsin labor leaders so furious these days—furious enough that they’ll even threaten the livelihoods of local business owners who won’t join them at the barricades. This is the nasty modern reality of government union power.
And in case you missed it, unions are threatening the livelihoods of local businesses.
Here is the inspiring story of a Wisconsin grandmother and business owner who will not be intimidated by unions. Her name is Grace Bobo from Union Grove, Wisconsin.
Update: The Wall Street Journal discusses the story
at this link .