Monday, January 31, 2011

The Relevance of the Tea Party Movement

Just in case we need a morale booster before tonight’s meeting, please read this post at Hot Air.

According to this article, there is new poll by Gallup that shows 7 in 10 adults think it is important that the national GOP consider Tea Party positions and objectives. This includes 88% of Republicans.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


ForAmerica is a non-profit organization chaired by L. Brent Bozell III. Their purpose is: educate Americans about traditional and contemporary American values, to relentlessly fight the growth of government, to oppose any substitute to freedom and self-government, to promote individual liberty and excellence, to promote economic opportunity, and to move America toward her founding principles.

The website is located here:

The site has the latest news on Obamacare and actions we can take to repeal this law.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kokomo Area Tea Party Patriots

Check out the website from our neighbors in Kokomo:

Kokomo Tea Party

Be sure to watch Jackie Walorski's response to the  SOTU posted on that site!